Jual beli motor dan mobil disini

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

[Jual Beli Mobil] [Jual] Mercy C200 elegant, Matic 1996 [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from PT. Getra included below]

Jual Mercy C200, matic, 1996, elegant

Hitam metalik, Km 120000

Matic ga ada masalah,

Tgn ke 2, pajak panjang

Istimewa, khusus penggemar,

Kondisi mobil 96% orisinil,

Velg R15, standard,

Ban Potenza R15/215/60, kondisi 80%


Di HR, Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta


Rp 108jt nego

Call 085781700033



Attachment(s) from PT. Getra

2 of 2 Photo(s)

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